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How To Have Fun & Be Secure On Australia Day

by | Jan 19, 2016 | News | 0 comments

With Australia Day coming up we want to share with you some top things to do to kick back and have fun and one very special security tip.

Our Top 7 Activity Recommendations
1. Attend the City of Perth Skyworks Event
2. Catch Something Unusual at Fringeworld
3. Have a BBQ in Kings Park
4. Enjoy a Coffee in Fremantle
5. Party On at a Triple J Hottest 100 Party
6. Grab Some Tucker at the Maylands Hawker Markets
7. Check Out Summerset at Scarborough Beach

Our One Big Important Australia Day Security Tip

Just because your taking a holiday don’t assume everyone is doing the same. West Australian Police will tell you that Australia Day is a peak period for thieves and it is important to take extra precautions on such a common day for theft and break ins.

Make Sure Your Alarm Is On!

And if you have Alarm Monitoring be sure to have your key holders up to date. And if you don’t have Alarm Monitoring events like Australia Day highlight how important it is.

Picture the scene, throughout the day your street has emptied as you and other families have left to find a spot at the sky show or to another celebration. Dogs have been at home alone bark at each other and kick up a racket, getting warmed up to truly let loose when the fireworks begin. The nosey or aware neighbour that would usually be there to report an incident is elsewhere or ignoring the cacophony of barks and sirens that some with the night knowing they can’t all be break ins. Meanwhile criminals have a field day picking over the most vulnerable houses with a much greater degree of confidence knowing they are far more likely to remain undetected on this night than an ordinary night, especially with police preoccupied with party goers and traffic responsibilities.

Alarm Monitoring changes that picture, combined with a properly setup alarm, alarm monitoring is like a live human-being watching your property every moment ready to call in the necessary support and protection to your property.

Monitored Alarm will keep you and your property safer, that is the reason why insurance companies provide the largest discounts for Monitored Alarms. It reduces the size of the cheque they have to write out after a burglary.

For further information please call us on 08 9302 0000.


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