It’s the middle of winter and you might be thinking of heading somewhere warmer for a holiday – maybe a nice beach in Bali or Thailand? Don’t forget these security tips before you go so you can relax on the beach in comfort.
Find A House Sitter
If you have a trustworthy friend that is available this can be a great option. Your house doesn’t look unoccupied and this will help deter a burglar. Also simple maintenance jobs around the home like bringing in the mail can still get done and if you have pets they will love being able to stay in a familiar environment.
Still not all friends and family, no matter how wonderful make good house sitters and might not always be available so we need some other options.
Utilise Your Neighbours
It’s always a good idea to let your neighbours know you are leaving. They are able to look over your property multiple times per day and are much more likely to notice if something in the neighbourhood seems awry than someone from out of the area. They can also feed pets and check the mail too and if you haven’t yet gotten to know your neighbours just having this kind of chat can break the ice. Make sure you leave them with your phone number.
Stop Your Mail
If you don’t have a sitter or a neighbour emptying your mail put a hold on deliveries at the post office and a no junk mail sticker might be handy too. It sounds like a bother but nothing screams my house is unattended come and rob me than an overstuffed letterbox full of tatty papers.
Send Your CCTV Feed To Your Smartphone
Whilst cameras may not be the be all and end all of deterrents for foolhardy burglars checking on the footage occasionally may alert you if you can see that something at your house has been disturbed and the footage after he fact may be integral in obtaining a conviction.
Change the Primary Contacts for Your Home Alarm System
You might not always be able to take a call overseas and certainly won’t be able to attend for the police if there has been a break in. Make sure your security monitoring company has details of someone in country they can call if your alarm is activated.
Don’t Have Security Monitoring? Get It.
Insurance Companies love Monitored Alarms as they reduce the size of the cheques they right and will minimise your loss or even prevent it altogether. With car alarms and false alarms sounding alarms just don’t draw the attention they used to and there can be a significant delay before a neighbour or passer-by decides to call the police. If you don’t have a monitored alarm this is what you are relying on and every precious minute that goes by allows the thief a greater level of invasiveness in your home and increases the amount they can steal and damage they can do.
A Monitored Alarm will prompt our Monitoring Station to contact the Police the second multiple sensors in the home are tripped – alerting the Police that prompt attendance is likely to catch the burglar in the act. In these circumstances West Australian Police attend fast, in a matter of minutes. If the call comes from a neighbour attendance can be in hours or even days.
Want the Best Security Monitoring Deal?
We offer contract free security monitoring so you cal relax on the beach worry free. Call us on 08 9302 0000 to find out how.